
How long does v8 juice stay good in the fridge?

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I have a bottle in the fridge that I opened about a month ago. I'm staring at that thing and thinking about drinking a glass later. Should I throw it out and buy some new or would it still be good? It passes the smell test(if that even apples to veggie juice lol).




  1. A month is pretty old.. I wouldn't risk it. It should be used within a week of opening. 2 weeks at the most.

  2. It has so much salt that it'll last centuries.

  3. In my experience, V8 lasts quite a while. If it has not been in a tin, and has been sealed since you first opened, it should be fine. Usually the expiration is advanced by the rusting of the tin and the oxidizing of the tomatos and the can. If it smells ok, I'm sure it'll be fine to drink.   Even if it is past it's prime, there are no animal proteins in the V8, so it wouldn't be too dangerous. No botchelism or anything...

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