
How long does weed last in your system?

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How long does weed last in your system?




  1. everyday use can take up to 30 days to metabolize depending on weight and fluid consumption

  2. in your pee: 28 days, in your hair: forever.  However if your trying to pass a drugtest there are many variables.  the most important one is how much you use.  A few bong hits will go away (or really not affect the test) fairly quickly, unless you took them on the way to take the d**n test:) for a pee test take vitamin B and drink a crapload of water to get your pee extra clear and you could pass it in say two weeks or sooner... for a hair test, wait a MONTH, buy the shampoo at your local headshop (follow the d**n directions)  then take the test.  after a month there will be other chemicals in your hair to help throw off the test.  Remember those pesky variables though!  If your smokin every day your probably burnt, ha ha.  It hides in your fat cells.  For an experiment go clean a pan you just cooked bacon in with just cold water.  It aint easy greasy.  by the way, X, coke, and speed only last 3 days. Hurray for chemicals!

  3. About three hours , then just light another one up and you will be fine !

  4. Close to a month

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