
How long does wudu last before it has to be redone ?

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How long does wudu last before it has to be redone ?




  1. until you urinate or defecate, pass wind, sleep, or become unconscious. If you do any of these things before or during the Salah, you must repeat the wudu’..."

  2. solid sn gave good answer,, but

    as Nadia says.. some try to keep it all day..

    but sooner or later, you might pass gas or have to go to bathroom..

    and even a curse word or ill thought breaks your wudhu.. cause its being clean of mind and soul as well as physical..

    so we are only human and bound to faults.. so to keep your wudhu in check.. its best to renew it every so often during the day.. And whats wrong with being clean?.. nothing but good can come from that! ^_^

  3. most people do it before every salat lol but some ppls last the whole day which is a lie cuz they've probably done something during the day to break it lol

  4. i dont really look at the time.. i try to keep it in aslong as i need to.

  5. There is no time limit. The following makes your wudu "expire"

    1) sleeping

    2) sweating

    3) unconsciousness

    4) swearing

    5) Farting

    6) using the restroom

    7) bleeding

    8) anything else that makes you dirty

  6. i dont time it...

    i keep it as long as i could ithout forcing my slef

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