
How long does your baby nap; my son is 7 mos

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There are days when he seems like he's sleeping all day, other days it appears a bit more normal. My questions... how long does your baby nap and how old is he/she.. Other question.. are there days your baby sleeps a bit longer than other days? Thanks to all the mommies who answer =)




  1. My son usually wakes at 7am .. takes a nap at 12noon, and another nap at 5pm and in bed at 9.

    His naps last about 45 minutes; on the days he has longer naps is usually when he's going through a growth-spurt.

    He is very active during the day, that is why he takes so many 'cat naps' .. he wears himself out =]

  2. My son is 7 months.

    Hes up at 7 o clock every morning. Eats breakfast, crawls around for a little while. Than naps at 9 until 1130 -12 ish.

    than by around 330 hes naping again

    keep in mind thats a good day for him.

    when he was going through a growth sprurt last weekend ( long weekend) we were out camping and such..

    he missed both naps and was screaming all day. There appeard to be no problems other than hes growing pains.

    after that pain settled and he was able to rest he slept for 13 hours:| woke up after about 4 hours of sleeping for half a botle and a new dipear and back asleep.

  3. my babies 8 months old and takes  2- 3 naps a day usually consisting of 45 min to an hour each, depending on how much i wear her out during the day and is hopefully in bed by 9 or alittle later.i guess ive heard they should be up more than they are asleep now that they are getting older.  but they also say that babies grow when they are asleep so maybe the days he sleeps so long its bc hes in a growth spurt.

  4. my baby does not nap. she hasn't since she was 3 mos. shes 9 mos now. she sleeps all night though...thank god

  5. My son is 10 months old and naps 2 times a day...they are usually hour long naps, but sometimes they are 2 or 2.5 hours long.  

  6. my son is nearly 5 months and at the moment he is going through a stage where he is only awake 30mins if that after a bottle and will sleep the remainder time till next bottle is due. he is fed every 3 hrs.

    doctors have said it is due to him having a growth spurt, so maybe thats what your daughter is going through at the moment

  7. mine naps 3times a day for about an hour but he also has days were he sleeps for 4 hours straight  

  8. My son is 5 mths, he takes about 4 cat naps a day 20-30 min. But he sleeps all night long. And he is pretty much on that schedule.

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