
How long does your baby stay awake between naps?

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My son is 5 months old, and I think maybe he is over tired when he takes a nap (because he screams and cries for about 30 minutes before he will go to sleep). I think I am waiting too long between naps. How old is your baby, and how long do you keep them awake between naps? Thanks!




  1. My son is 5 months old also and goes about 2hrs between naps most of the time. From what I hear at this age that's pretty standard, anything more can make them over tired.

  2. I dont have  a baby lol..

    But I have a brother who is 1 year old.

    I keep him awake for 1 hour.

  3. EVERY BABY IS DIFFERENT.  MY oldest slept all the time, no problem. My middle child wouldn't sleep at all. My youngest is the only one that followed a schedule.

  4. long enough to eat and be changed but she's only 2 weeks old

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