
How long does your child play in their crib before they fall asleep?

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How long does your child play in their crib before they fall asleep?




  1. We never put a child in a crib to sleep- only to play while awake. We always rocked or walked our children to sleep and then laid them down either in a baby bed with rails or on a pallet.  

  2. My little girl is 9 months old and she has been known to play and sing in her crib for up to 30 minutes before going to sleep.  She has babies that she moves around the crib (her favorite being a little Simba plush.  They're all small enough for her to move them around without them being a danger) and she sings to them and her pacifiers and plays with them, and then will go to sleep.  Most of the time, it's only 5 minutes though.  And most of the time she plays in her crib after naptime or sleeping rather than before.  

  3. Depends how tired she is. If she has stayed on her normal schedule all day, I'd say she plays for about 10-15 minutes then goes to sleep. If she's overtired, she goes right out. If she isn't really ready for a nap or bed, she could play in there for hours if i let her.  

  4. my kiddo eiather goes right out or he will play for hours sometimes, depends on how over situlated he is. i find that if i give him books to "read" in bed them he will go out faster.

  5. My daughter is 6 months old, and usually plays around 5 or 10 minutes before falling asleep...  She has one of those aquarium things on the side of her crib, and tonight, I heard it start and stop about ten times before she finally gave in!  

  6. This question actually made me laugh a little. My son would never just fall asleep while playing. He's so high strung. We always rock him or I feed him to put him to sleep.

  7. Emma usually does not play at all.  She usually rolls over when I lay her down and goes right to sleep.  Sometimes she will get fussy a little before naptime and I will put her in her crib and she will play for awhile before napping...this is usually when a lot of people have been around and I think it is her "me" time.

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