
How long dose nicotene stay in breastmilk after smoking?

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i have a gorgeos 3 week old girl. i know it is wrong but i have cut right down to about 7 smokes a day and i dont breast feed for 3-4 hours after. how long should i wait befor i feed her. i do not smoke anywhere near her and never in the house. i dont want to loose my darling girl and i am trying very hard to quit all together. i dont want her to die from sids. how common is sids. thankyou




  1. they say to continue breastfeeding if you absolutely can't quit smoking, but do try to cut down. Do not smoke directly before you feed your baby, so the best time would be to get those smokes in right after a feeding. It's good that you don't smoke in the house, but remember the most important thing is that you are breastfeeding. Don't quit breastfeeding just because you can't quit smoking. And sids is responsible for about 1 in 2000 children dying in the us. If you don't smoke in the house, you wash your hands after smoking, and put your baby to sleep on her back, don't even fret over this. Also, you need to think about quitting for your health, and the fact that nicotine will severely limit your milk supply. Good luck!

  2. They say wait anywhere between 60-90 minutes. That's what I did/do, and it's worked so far. My 2 older ones have grown up with no problems. I don't see why my youngest would have any.  

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