
How long for a Red clawed crab to give birth?

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I recently bough a Red clawed crab today for my new 55 gallon tank. Just a little bit ago, I noticed she had lots of small purple dots o her stomach. I just found out that she was pegnant. How long does it take for her to give birth?

Her tank-mates are a small Bichir eel, and a male Fiddler. Will they eat the babies?




  1. They will eat them if they are not hidden well.

    Good Luck!

  2. even if it has eggs, they will not hatch.

    in order to breed red claws (and practically every other crab species) the egss need to be deposited in full saltwater, and float around in the planktonic column.

    another thing, that bichir is going to eat those crabs, and both of those crabs cannot permanently be in freshwater.

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