
How long for my settlement??

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Not that I am wanting just the money but I was in a car accident back in May. I was rear ended and suffered a whiplash neck injury, Since then the at fault drivers insurance has paid for my vehicle repairs. I have been going to the Dr. for almost 2 months continuosly (chiropractor). I am well convinced that injuries are permanent. I have a personal injury attorney working on this case as well. Any ideas on how long it takes before a settlement is disbursed (to cover medical expenses and missed time from work)




  1. My daughter's case took over 2 years and actually went to court,they started to pick the jurors and were half done and then the insurance company all of a sudden decided to settle out of court.But this was a complex case with one person being killed.

  2. Question, why are you convinced the injury is permanent?  Would like to know more about the impact.  Unless there's permanent injury to the disc, it's considered a soft tissue injury.  These normally work themselves out over a period of time, although a chiropractor can work wonders.  If it does turn out to be permanent, your doctor is going to have to prove it (along with your attorney).

    Settlement is not even approached until all treatment is completed.  In California, your attorney has 2 years to settle your bodily injury claim, unless he files to protect your statute through the courts.

    You should be asking this of your attorney, since he's taking approximately 33 1/3 % of that settlement.

  3. A whiplash injury is not permanent. It is a sprain/stain injury.

    You have an attorney. He will take 1/3 to 1/2 of any settlement you get. Since you are paying him a very large chunk of any settlement you get -- how about you ask him.

    That's what you are paying him for.

  4. I doubt that a whiplash is permanent.  Also suspect is going to a Chiropractor instead of a medical doctor.  Chiropractors will have you running back to them for "adjustments" for years if you allow it.  See a real Doctor and any "settlement" you may get will come much quicker.

  5. An insurance company will not settle your bodily injury claim until you are done treating.  they need to see the entire amount of damages to know what your injury is.  Once you have been released from the doctor and the insurance company has time to evaluate the claim your attorney and the ins adjuster will then negotiate.

    Rarely is whiplash a permanent injury.  if so, it's not whiplash. Keep in mind that your attorney is going to take 30% minimum for any setttlement and that's off the top before the medicals are paid.

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