
How long has Chile been the most developed nation in latinamerica?

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How long has Chile been the most developed nation in latinamerica?




  1. what does "most developed" really mean?  And who said Chile was the most developed?  It depends on what criteria you are looking at.

    All in all, I'd classify Panama as having the most developed economy and highest standard of living.

    But then "most developed" might refer to happiness?  In which case Colombia is the most developed country in latin america.

    Some might even argue that cuba is the "most developed" as they have one of the lowest illiteracy rates, and the best medical services in all latin america.

    It's an impossible question - there is no answer....!

  2. I've lived in Chile, Peru, Uruguay and Argentina and I totally agree with you. Chile is one of the most developed nations in Latin America economically speaking.  It's one of the few countries  that I havent seen slumber or shanty towns and that the level of unemployment is quite low. All this came from when General Pinochet was in power (1973 till mid 80's). Whether you agree or not with him is irrelevant here. We are talking about economical growth of a nation and being the most developed and this came due to his politics, economical policy which made Chile the strongest nation in South America, possibly Latin America.  Being such a thin country, geographically speaking, they have the greatest production of copper, wine, etc. It is still great, the proof being that it was one of the first latin american nations to have the commerce treaty with the States.

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