
How long has Hillary kept herself from smiling?

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I just viewed her face from a reporter's viewpoint and she has very few smile/laugh wrinkles that should be prominent on her face by now. I just hope that her life has not deprived her of too much joy.




  1. I've met her in person and her smile and laugh lines are very pronounced. However, you do know that these lines are genetic; she likely has the lines as her mother had them at the same age. No connection to smiling and laughing; but that's cute that you think so.

  2. What does she have to smile about?  Someone who goes through life as a power hungry control freak will never have a reason to smile.

  3. Since she found out it was most politically beneficial to cry!

    "Boo Hoo Hoo, (sniffle sniffle) Oh I love America so much and just don't want to see it go downhill!"

    "And I, and I alone, am the only one capable of saving America! Why can't the people see that? Oh, boo hoo hoo! (sniffle sniffle)"

  4. Interesting point; the truth of the matter is, she cannot smile.  Little beknownst by the general public is that Hillary Clinton is Joan River's long lost evil twin!  I smellllll drammmaaaaa!

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