
How long has been Obama in the senate?

by Guest60269  |  earlier

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give me one think that he has done for the country. is he really ready to handle a war. If one of the crazy countries attack us do you think he has the capacity to defend Americans? just wondering.




  1. well yes i do believe he has the capacity to be commander and cheif i believe he can handle the just warin afghanistan and end the occupation of iraq and he has voted for some very important bills that have helped vetrans and average everyday people he has also helped people get the medical insurance they have so desperatly need and i believe he has an excellent energy policy and foriegn policies even tho he does lack the experience his policy for education on highering standards i believe are great and of course a universal medical care for all people

  2. Obama was in the Senate for 141 days before taking off for the greener pastures of the campaign trail.  He was well on his way to discovering the location of the men's restroom when he left.

  3. I don't know if he is ready to handle anything after 142 days

    in US SENATE.........

    Rest of the 2 years in senate, he has been running around the country convincing everyone that he will make a wonderful POTUS....

    B-4 the senate he was doing the same thing, running to promot his books.

    He is an "expert" in "promoting himself".

  4. The United States Senate career of Barack Obama began on January 4, 2005.

    *** Days between Dates ***

                      Jan 4, 2005 and Aug 30, 2008


                      Difference   Exclusive    Inclusive

                      in days      count        count    


    All days          1334         1333         1335

    Business days                  953          954


    No local holidays have been deducted from the "Business days" results.

    "Exclusive count" does not include input dates in calculation.

    "Inclusive count" does include input dates in calculation.

  5. He hasn't served a full term in anything from what I know.I hope he doesn't get in office. We need somone with follow through and someone who doesn't lie to fix this country.

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