
How long has humanity been around?

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How long has the Human race existed on this earth?

More specifically How long has "Homo Sapiens" been around for...not Cro Magnons nor Homo Erectus




  1. I feel sorry for the likes of PaulH and kdanley.  Ignorance serves no one.  And genetics have proven all the theories about our world only being 6,000 years old to be hoaxes and outright B.S.

  2. Around 6000 years according to the Biblical geneologies..

    Polonium "halo's" found in the oldest rocks on earth show they were formed almost instantly....not over millions of years of gradual cooling and they also falsify assumptions of radiometric dating methods. 30 years of published and peer-reviewed research by Dr Robert Gentry.

    And, dinosaurs co-existed with man until fairly recent times as shown in many thousands of artifacts, cave drawings, paintings, temples, and fabrics....researched for 20 years by Dr Dennis Swift

  3. We have been around for one million years.

    We did not come from another planet.

    People from other planets did not seed us here.

    We evolved from the hominids of the Pliocene epoch.

    The first humans were NOT from Africa.

    Life did NOT arise automatically.  It was started by higher beings working under Christ's overall direction.  They are called Life Carriers, but they did not carry life here.  Rather they started it and fostered its evolution until humans developed.

    We are supposed to foster our own continuing evolution.  And we have been doing so, though the road has been rocky.

    Any reasonable person can see that some progress has been made.

    After all, humans did not have 747s until recently, nor astronauts on the moon.

    If you are wanting rare details, google "Andon and Fonta"  and when you see something come up that contains "urantia" then click on that.

    That same source will explain about Adam and Eve as well.

    Don't try to explain it to those who like to argue from ignorance, after you find out what really happened.

  4. About six-thousand years. Homo Erectus was a proven fraud. If you put a suit and tie on a Cro-Magnon man no-one would look twice at him. There are no links between man and any other lower primate. Humans do not share a common ancestor with other primates.

    *Jan Stolz*

    If you want to feel sorry for us, do so because no matter how much research and studying we do, no matter how rational our logic is, we are still called "ignorant." It is the agnostic that is ignorant. Try using logic while studying this topic from both sides. Find out which side uses fallacious more, who uses deceptive arguments more, who equivocates more often, and who relies on information that has been proven wrong.

    Creationists love it when evolutionists lie, use outdated information, poor logic and the like. We just simply need to quote them afterwords. How many debates have evolutionists won against creationists? Not many.

    Oh, by the way: you need support and warrents for your claim that genetics prove 6,000 years is "B.S."

  5. we were hear about 6000 yrs along side dinosaurs which is proved by all the cave drawings. in fact even the earth is a couple thousand yrs old not billions of yrs old. we were created by God from the ground up and we are all related since we came from adam and eve

  6. Yikes...the last answer has some pretty blatant errors. I'll try to correct them:

    Homo sapien has been around from about 200,000 years ago, although some believe as early as 500,000 years ago. The first fossil evidence DOES show up in Africa, around what we now call the "Cradle of Life." Evolution of this a part of a very slow biological process, taking hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. Hope that helped.

  7. The earliest fossil of a Homo sapiens was found in the Omo Gorge (Sub-Saharan Africa), and carbon-dated to 195,000 years ago...

    Cro-Magnon is just the name of a cave in France where European Homo sapiens were found 30,000+ years ago...

    Homo erectus is supposedly a different species which was found near the Black Sea 1.75 million years ago...

    Homo sapiens sapiens is a term used to distinguish us from Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, which was a slightly different species than us, which died out 24,000 years ago, although they were believed to be 99.9% genetically identical to us...

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