
How long has it taken you to recover from clinical depression?

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it's been 3 years since I've been taking anti depressants and seeing progress but I'm still not fully recovered yet. It's made me curious how much it took for other people .




  1. A year in the making..

  2. It could be determined by what is causing the depression. If it is a situational depression (stress, grieving, recovering from trauma/illness) it may resolve itself once you recover from the situation.

    Clinical depression can mean other things too: hormone imbalances, neurotransmitter imbalances, or disease processes such as diabetes and hypertension. These causes usually require long term maintenance to avoid the symptoms of depression. If there is a chemical imbalance involving the brain or body, that usually means a lifetime of replacements or medication; however, with that being said, some people resolve depression after a course of antidepressants for several years.

    I look at it as taking medication to be healthy, versus taking medication because I am sick. My antidepressants keep me healthy, when I don't take them, I get sick. Depression is the common cold of mental health, but unfortunately for many, it is a life long sniffle.

    Good communication with your mental health provider and being aware of symptoms from the depression and medication are all noted and discussed, will help you arrive at the right medication for you.

    Also, just as important as any medication, changing your lifestyle to a more positive and upbeat outlook can help change you forever.

    (I've been going strong for 19 years on antidepressants and I feel better today than I ever did without them.)  

  3. I was on meds and in therapy for 4 years starting at 13 and I'm recently started going through that again. I'm 22 now. I've been on  meds this time for over a year.

  4. For me, I do not use the word recover when it comes to my depression.

    I feel more comfortable saying, I am doing better right now.  My depression has returned many times.  My hope is to have more happy times in my life.  I have been going for therapy and taking medications for many, many years.  It is very difficult when I start to feel that sinking feeling that means I am beginning to feel more depressed again.  This is the time of year it happens to me.  Hopefully I will turn it around again.

  5. ive had depression since i was nine, im still very much depressed my doctor has said its because im hard to work with but i really do try, i hate being this way and i want to be cured. i dont know when i will be though. probably never

  6. we recover?

    define recover?

    40 bipolar + yada yada yada suffered from depression since child hood im not sure recovers the right word ( recover seems to imply it will go away for good )  .. more a case of learning to roll with it i think

    theres an aspect of recovery i guess to each episode

    but i dont think it could be said we recover from the depression its self as we will always be prone to it, if you see what i mean.

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