
How long have endangered species been around?

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  1. Are you asking how long species that are endangered have been around? The answer is different for different species, but some date back many millions of years - such as some varieties of turtles. Some that are a specialized sub-species of a more established species probably go back no more than a few thousand years. It's even possible new sub-species develop all the time.

    Or are you asking how long the term 'endangered' has been used. I wouldn't have an answer for that, but I would guess no more than 100-150 years.

  2. Species of life have been dieing off and being created as long as there has been life on the planet. We as humans have killed off a few, that is true and nothing to be proud of, as all life should be respected, but the evolution and endangerment of species is an ongoing event that makes this world what it is.

  3. Always, although we didn't always have 'endangered species' lists or enforced laws to protect that particular species. I read once that Canadian Geese where almost extinct during the Colonial period as they were a food source back then. Now, at least in Ohio, they are so adundant that the eggs are usually taken from nests to prevent the population from growing larger than it already is.

  4. Techincally, almost forever. Ever since species starting evolving on this planet, there have always been a few that just arn't doing as well - survival of the fittest. If you want to know how long the Endangered Species list or Act have been around, try yahoo or googling it. I'm not sure on that.

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