
How long have you and your partner been trying?

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Did you get frustrated when it didn't happen right away?




  1. We've been trying for almost a year and a half. I've known for a while that I might have problems when I decided to try, but was hoping it would happen. We're looking in to starting treatment right now. And yes, it is very frustrating.  

  2. I started at home insemination on August 4th. I'm going insane!! Good luck. I know how it feels. If you ever need anyone to talk to about that 'frustrated' or 'going insane' feeling, my Yahoo messenger name is  justforpenpals8185

  3. We got pregnant within 2 months.

    Lost the baby in February and have now been trying for 6 months.... am currently 2 days late, but pregnancy test was negative 2 days ago.... it's not over yet!! Maybe it might not be this month, in which case we'll keep trying next month!

    All the best *****Baby Dust*****

  4. My husband and I ttc for 4 years now.  It is frustrating because I know the problem lies with me and my irregular periods/anovulation.  I haven't tried any fertility treatments yet, but will be within the coming months. I am super-excited..  Never give up hope!!!!  Anything is possible.

  5. We are on our 3rd month ttc.  Hubby has 99% abnormal sperm.  You will get less and less obsessive as you go along though.  That is how it has been for me. The first month I was insane, then second month less so, this month even more less so.  The hardest time is always those few days before AF is due.  I don't even pay attention to symptoms anymore because I have learned they can be meaningless.  I dont mean to sound non chalant, but your obsession will gradually wane and you will learn to accept the outcome.  Try for at least a year then get assistance if it doesn't work.  

  6. hi there...

    my hubby and me has been ttc for 18 months...i feel like it's a long, emotional journey..

    i do get frustrated (A LOT) when it did not happen...feel so bad coz it seems we put effort yet it is still not happening..

    we are seeing specialist to help us..

    care to message me if you wanna talk ok.

    lots of baby dust to everybody!!

  7. Well not really first two years was full of hopes but on our third year it seems like I am hopeless to have one.

    I am still hoping until the last drop of my period but if it is not meant to be, there must be a good reason from up above.

  8. h i get frusterated soi know how u feel message me on yahooa dn we can talk about it I am carebear7507  

  9. baby #1 ....5 years

    now TTC#2...3 years

    I hate that it takes so long, but we have to hope! Dont give up! Baby dust!!!!!

  10. It is hard not to think about it=) I fell pregnant by accident with my daughter(now 13months) But this time we have been trying for about 7-8months. We're aren't charting or anything just kinda guessing fertile times, etc but now I'm getting more educated and will probably get more serious=) It can take a while and it is better for all involved to try not to obsess and keep it positive not to say that frustration can't still creep in! My best friend fell pregnant the 1st cycle after stopping BC!! lol cheeky girl! I'd suggest getting pampered, a massage or facial or anything that makes you feel relaxed and recharged! Manifest=) Law of attraction works well! lol I should really take my own advice here! I wish you all the best and lots of babydust!!!!

  11. We tried for 10 years! We were finally successful after I randomly decided to take birth control to regulate my period. When I ran out of pills after two cycles, I got pregnant. At the time, I didn't put two and two together, so with our next pregnancy, we tried for three years without any success. I spoke to my Reproductive Endocrinologist about the pill and she told me that the pill not only regulated my period and reproductive hormones, but it also made my ovaries aggressive, which is why I got pregnant after all those years of trying. So, I went back on the pill for two cycles, quit, and got pregnant again:) I have PCOS, which makes fertility a challenge for my partner and I, but I found a way around it. Good luck!  

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