
How long have you been Vegan/Vegetarian?!?!?

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I'm 15 and i've been vegan since March and began as a vegetarian in December!! When did you start and how long has it been!! Do you like it or what!!! Cause I LOVE it!!!




  1. Went veg at 8, vegetarian for 11 years, recently vegan!

    This is the last time I will ever quote McDonald's but...I'm lovin' it!

  2. Veggie 4 years, vegan 1 year.

    I wish I'd done something earlier, but my ignorant view was "...well if they are already dead, what can I do"?

    Still it's the best decision I ever made.

  3. Vegetarian almost 22 years (I was 16)

    Vegan 9 months

  4. Wow, congrats on going so fast! It took me a decade to go from vegetarian to vegan, haha.

    I went vegetarian cold turkey the day after Thanksgiving about ten years ago. My family was talking about how good meat was and how turkeys were slaughtered and I wanted nothing to do with it. The next morning I told my mom I wasn't eating meat anymore, and I've never looked back. I guess it was eighth grade? My brother went veg much younger. He finally learned where meat came from and decided he wasn't eating it anymore. Now he's 16 and I'm pretty sure his heart's still into it.

    I went vegan earlier this year. I'd wanted to for a while, and I felt bad about eating dairy, but I'd never believed I could go without cheese or eggs. It was kind of a way to prove myself wrong. Guess I did!

    I love hearing peoples veg*nism stories. Keep 'em coming!

  5. About 22 hours. I'll eat some more meat tonight.

  6. I've been vegan since March of last year ('07).  

    It's changed my life for the better immensely.

  7. well let's see....never.

    I love meat and id rather not punish my body by not getting the protein i need.

  8. since last november.

  9. Since birth and I am proud to be a vegetarian!

  10. I've been a vegetarian for 2 years. I am going to go vegan though. I want to elimate all animal products from my diet.


  11. ive been vegetarian since dec 8th 2007...i remember it exactly. i made the switch overnight after stumbling apon :( and i have never been happier!

    -i immediatley lost 10 lbs (within the first month) and it keeps comming off!

    -i havent had a cold, cough, runnynose, NO sickness since

    -i have opened my eyes and tastebuds to a whole new world!

    I am going to go insane if i hear one more person talk about protien in a vegetatrian diet!!! OMG is soooooo annoying! Get your facts straight, befor believing a myth! LOTS of other foods besides meat contain protien!

  12. I'm 22 and I've been vegetarian for five years and vegan for four and I love it. =)

  13. I've been vegetarian since September 2006 (almost 2 years). I wish I had done it earlier (though I barely ate meat).

  14. I was born one due to religion. However I was given the choice when I turned 12 and I didnt change so still a Vegetarian. Just not as strict as my religion would like me to be. I love root vegetables. So even though it kills the plant if I eat them, I cannot live without them.

  15. I became a vegitarian three months ago and I went today as a vegan and I'm going to see how long I can last! Hopefull a while!!

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