
How long have you been a <span title="vegan/vegatarian/pescatarian?">vegan/vegatarian/pescatar...</span>

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I have just hit a year. It feels wonderful! I watched "Meet your Meat" one year ago. It broke my heart. I threw up the last meat I ever ate. Ever since then I think of the suffering of innocent animals when I see meat, people eating meat, or even hear things about meat.

I feel like I am making a difference! How about you? Tell us your story. Any rude comments will be reported.




  1. Two and a half years.  

    No meat, gelatin, and rarely eggs or dairy.

    Love being a vegetarian!

    Yummy tofu!

  2. I&#039;m a meat eater but i support vegetarians

  3. Ive been a vegan for 2 years....Im down to 91 pounds....i feel so great.....the reason i dont eat a hardees burger is because they are too heavy for me to pick meat is murder.....I eat only vegetables and pulses and berries.

    Go veggies!!!

  4. Vegetarian/ 7 years

  5. I&#039;m going on my third year. :]

  6. I have been a vegetarian for 3 years now, I am only 11.  I agree, I don&#039;t think that any human being would prefer to be killed and eaten.  It&#039;s cruelty, especially when they make them into coats, it disgusts me.  &quot;I need the warmth&quot; is not an excuse.  They need the warmth as much as anyone else does!  They kill a cute little animal to get that, when you think about, it&#039;s just wrong.

  7. vegetarian 9 years, pescatarian 3 years, so its been 12 years since i&#039;ve had any non-fish meat.  it used to be a lot cheaper when i first started. i eat fish because i was raised around fishing with my dad. now there are some vegetarians &amp; omnivores that have a problem with that, but its my choice. i usually only eat fish once a month &amp; i buy the sustainable kind. but its how i grew up.

  8. since january 1st. I ate only chicken last year.

  9. it&#039;s been almost two years for me. i used to love chicken, but then i talked with a friend of mine who is vegetarian, and she told me of the horrors of the slaughter! i talked to my mom and researched. i eat tofu a lot and i love it! i am very healthy and i am planning on going vegan when i am 18. that way, i will be out of my parents house and i can make my own vegan food. being vegetarian is fun. i enjoy arguing with meat eaters :D

  10. Congratulations!! Keep going :D!!

    I&#039;m glad you are making a difference! everyone who does it is making a difference together!! :D

    Im pecscartian XD gosh.. but i hope to go fully vegetarian soon &gt;&lt;..

    I&#039;ve been one for around 7 years!! hoho

    i started when Im 10 and I&#039;am almost 18 XD  hahah...

    I got influenced by The Simpsons..and also that was the time i got my Dog..and i was like..gah there is not much difference between the meat I&#039;m eating with four legs and my cute dog..

    so I decided I shouldn&#039;t eat meat..with four legs anyway..but I hope i can become full..~~

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