
How long have you been riding?

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I've been riding all of my life!! and I'm 13 so a pretty long time! my parents put me on a horse when I was like 2 mounths old! lol!! well obviosly not since i was 2 mounths old, I was about 2 or 3 when I started learning about how to stay on and stuff, I was just walking then...How long have you guys been riding?




  1. I have been on a horse for 25 years now.

  2. I have been riding for 7 years (almost 8) and I am in love with it! Horses are my passion and I hope to someday own a horse of my own, but it's to much money. Search "I want a horse but to expensive" and it is asked by RiderGrl38 and answer it please! Help me out!

  3. i learned when i was about 5-8 or so.then the guy i learned from moved and so i didn't ride for till i was about 14 now and let me tell you it took some confedence to ride again but now i love riding and i like to try new things!

  4. im 14 and since i was 5. so 9 years

  5. Galloppal...TOO FUNNY!!!

    I've been sitting on a horse since I was 2 but never had formal lessons.  Had a major gap of being 'without a horse to ride' and now back with it.

    I'm 42 and gonna say I had only 20 years of riding out of the 42.

  6. body feels more like 100 yrs and I do think somedays that maybe I AM the walking dead.

  7. about 20 years and im 22 now i was breaking ponies my dad would buy from auction to resell when i was 10. i would go to to auctions with him when i got alittle bit older. at the livestock auctions we used to go to in shipsawana, indiana some of the horses/ponies were pretty sad, skinny, sick, hooves curling from not being trimmed. my dad was a big softy even though he acted tough, every once in a while he would bring home one of those negleted horses/ponies. feed them, make them healthy again and then find them a good home.

  8. Im 14 and been riding for 2 years!

  9. really riding since I was 5 until I was 24 then met a man and after we got married, he forbade me to ride...*kicks myself* I listened for 8 years. Now I have horses again and a man that supports my first love and doesn't mind knowing that I love my horses as much as I love him. =)

    Very little formal riding training. But a lot of educated horse people all throughout life to help me along the way.

  10. twelve years.

  11. Horserider,

    You're the SAME age as my God Daughter!  My old QH used to babysit her while she was in her carrier, attached to the cross ties at my barn and I'd park the old QH in front of her with his leadrope dropped...LOL

    I think I was about 6 when my dad using his clout found a sargent who had horses and talked him into letting me come down and ride his old QH gelding around the stables on occassion.

    Then we moved to Merced, CA where my mom's childhood friend raised Quarter Horses and I could go over there and ride.

    So, I guess, after doing the math, I've been riding for about 49 years...  Sheesh, I'm getting OLD!!!!!!!

  12. About 6ish years. And I plan t do it the rest of my life!! Or until i end up in a wheelchair from arthritis or something!

  13. 56 years and I'm not even dead yet!

  14. I'v been riding for almost 7 years now. I'v been riding Arabians and simple dressage for 6 years and now I have just switched barns and am now riding hunter/jumper for almost a year. I love every minute of it.

  15. im twelve and i have been riding since i was six,

    so half of my life.

  16. I've been riding for 7 and a half years.

    My aunt got a horse when I was 8 so I started riding, then my aunt signed me up for riding lessons as my 9th birthday present.

  17. I'm in my eighth year of riding, but i've been learning about horses since i could read (so kindergarten, since i started early)

  18. first the fist time i was on a horse i was 9 months old i probably started real riding about  3-5 years i started lessons at 10 i am 12

  19. 6 year about

  20. 4 years, not much, but it feels like ive been riding my whole life!!!

    i <33333 riding!!!!!!<33333

  21. 30 years.

  22. I have been riding for 5 years now! WOOO lol thirteen is wonderful. But I started when I was 9 so you beat me lol

  23. 12 going on 13 years!!

  24. 7 going on 8 years

  25. My first rides happened when I was about 8 months old (with my mom or dad), but since we didn't have horses I didn't start riding  without assistance until I was about ten when I started taking lessons. I'm going on 15 now so only 5 years. but it feels soooooo much longer than that, lol.

  26. I have been riding for 29 years and still learning. ; )

  27. 2 1/2 years!!!!!

  28. I rode for around 8 years.

    I took english lessons for around 2 years. Then western lessons for around 2 or 3 years. Then I had my own horses for around 4 years.

  29. 32 years or thereabouts.

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