
How long into psycho therapy could one expect to get a diagnosis?

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and do they need to ask in order to get one? I've been in therapy for several months but my therapist hasn't told me what I have. Do I need to ask?




  1. There is no real answer to this question. You could ask your therapist what does she think your diagnosis is. But if you are having psychotherapy, then it likely the therapist will not give a diagnoses.

    Psychotherapy tries working with the whole person, many people are diagnosed incorrectly.

    Psychiatrist and psychologist often work by putting labels on people and so often get it wrong, unless you have very clear issues.

    I have been in therapy for 18 months and it's only in the last 6 months that I have actually started to see a change in myself.

    Over the years I have been given just about every label, but my therapist doesn't believe in labels, she believes in getting to see the real person. She does this so well, parts of me that have been hidden for nearly 60 years are emerging and I am starting to live life for the first time.

    Best wishes in your quest, but do not get hung up on a diagnoses.

  2. Your question(s) are very much dependent on your therapists way of going about their therapy sessions. But I don't see any harm in asking, but if they can not give you an answer then I would suggest seeing someone else.

    Good luck in finding help.


  3. Sorry I don't believe in them. You spill your guts to them and feel regret after you do. I felt they didn't help me at all. No offense to all the Psychologists out there.  

  4. I think that you should ask your therapist at your next meeting for a diagnoses.  My doctor diagnosed me on our first meeting and this was later confirmed by a clinical psychiatrist and a psychologist.

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