
How long into the VP debate before Biden drops the f bomb?

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It's a well known fact that Biden has a huge case of foot in mouth disease. How long into the VP debate will he stick both feet into his mouth and fall down? He's is going to look real silly debating Palin.




  1. YOU are so right,this is going to be very very funny!

  2. i love Joe Biden if being authentic is the worst thing about him, that is great. When people start really scripting everything, they can not be real. Joe's the real deal & so refreshing. I rather see F bombs then the kinds that kill & mame innocent people.  Bring on the F bombs, Joe!

  3. I await the debate between the 2 VP's & think Biden who is one of the best debaters there is could be up for a challenge but how will she counter attack his knowledge of experience on foreign affairs when she has none. She gave a good speech but can she do that in a one on one debate?  Have to wait & find out I guess

  4. While Biden does talk too much, at least what he says makes sense.

    The think I really love about Biden is his candor.

    He'll make Palin look like a child.  

  5. I give it minutes into the debate when Palin begins to talk and he pulls his usual filibustering and they have to tell him to shut up so she has her opportunity to speak. Then she will rip him a whole new *ss hole.  She is very talented at speaking and she has concrete realistic examples of positive change for America.  Her track record shows she is not weak and can stand up to the "good ole boys" without flinching.    

  6. my money is on mc cain.he has a temper and not well liked.

  7. Right after he says "I have a much higher IQ than you do"

  8. He's a master debater so we should be cautious. Sarah can hold her own though.

  9. Biden is one of the most skilled diplomats of this generation.  Why do you think Bush had him help Rice out with the Georgia situation.

    So who do you think will be more poised, a diplomat with 30 years foreign policy experience, or a crazed religious extremist who thinks god tells her what to do?

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