
How long is 2,500-3050 nautical miles?

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that is the range of BOEING 787 Dreamliner




  1. 2500 nautical miles is 2876.956 miles.

    3050 nautical miles is 3509.886 miles.

  2. One nautical mile = 1.15 statute miles, thus:

    2500 x 1.15 = 2875

    3050 x 1.15 = 3507

    BTW, that is the short range version of the 787 (787-3).  The long range version is capable of approximately 9000 statute miles.

  3. Multiply by 6076/5280 to get statute miles, or by 10,000/5400 to get kilometers.

  4. A long way, a nautical mile is longer than a statute mile, on a great circle on a globe a nautical mile is 1 minute therefore 1 degree is 60 nautical miles.

  5. hmmm... nautical miles and airline miles are different honey!

  6. 2,500 to 3,050 nautical miles (4,650 to 5,650 kilometers)

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