
How long is 6 miles? and how long would it take me to get to my destination?

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How long is 6 miles? and how long would it take me to get to my destination?




  1. You haven't given enough information so I will answer it like this: If you walk 3 miles per hour and it is on relatively even and clear terrain it should take 2 hours. If you are driving a car at 60 mph it will take 6 minutes. You can watch the mile markers on th highway to guage how long 6 miles is.A mile is 5,280 feet or roughly 53 times the distance between two goal posts. A mile can take much more time to travel with changes of speed  or over water or rough terrain when driving or walking.

  2. It seems likely that you're asking this question because you're from somewhere that doesn't use miles as a common unit of measurement. 6 miles is about 9.6 kilometers.

    As others have pointed out, the time it will take to go 6 miles depends on how you're traveling. It could also depend on things like traffic conditions, number of stop lights along the way, and speed limits. the answer wilddon99667 gave you should be a pretty good estimate though.

  3. If you are driving, about six minutes (at 60 mph); if you are walking, about two hours (at 3 miles an hour); if you run, about an hour (assuming 10 minutes a mile)

  4. if you are driving about 7 or 8 minutes.  If you are walking...maybe an hour...hour and a half.

  5. It is one mile longer than 5 and one less than 7.  It will take as long as it will take to make the journey my friend.

    Again I find myself asking, do people read the questions before they post them?

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