
How long is Navy Aircrew Training?

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I want to know how long does all the training take to finally do your job as aircrew?




  1. air crew school is 3 months followed by whatever your A school is.  

  2. i am in Pensacola, fl and this is where the air crew trains.  they told me that they have a 2 month wait because you need to pass your flight physical.  That takes forever and if you need a waver they usually give you a new job because there is always someone more qualified then you there.  The school is about 3 months and after you finish that school you need to go to a specialty school.  If you join the marines you dont have that second school.  You are pretty much on your own schedule.  you guys over in air crew do what you want and get away with it.  so enjoy it.  and yes do the navy.

    hope this helps

  3. Most A schools take 9 to 18 weeks, I think aircrew is 11, so after basic which is 8 to 9 weeks your looking 20 weeks, and then its off to your duty station.

  4. ASSUMING open classes, minimal delays waiting for classes to form, and you don't have problems with your flight-physical or any injuries during training:

    NACS (Naval Aircrew Candidate School) Course Identification Number: Q-050-1500 Is 19 training days long... so it's roughly one month long if there are no interfering 3 days weekends.

    Now, how long to train until you're doing your JOB ??  I'll use the AW (Aviation Warfare Systems Operator) rating as and example...

    IF you are going to be a Rescue Swimmer, you spend another 25 training days in Aviation Rescue Swimmer School Course Identification Number: Q-050-0600... so 5 weeks on the calendar.

    Then it's off to AW A-School which is 115 training days (4 months).  On graduating A-School, the next step in the pipeline is usually SERE School (2 weeks) and Basic Acoustics/Oceanography (6 weeks).

    THEN you get your orders to your FRS (Fleet Replacement Squadron) where you'll FINALLY get close to an Aircraft.  SH-60B Aircrew Training lasts about 3-4 months.

    SO, you're looking at a minimum of 6 months to a YEAR from the day you start NACS

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