
How long is TOO long being on the internet socially every day?

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How long is TOO long being on the internet socially every day?




  1. If you spend more time socializing with your monitor than with actual living, breathing people then you are on line far too much an need to get out and reconnect with family and friends.


  2. About 2-3 hours a day is enough

  3. There is no standard for TOO long, it is a personal thing.  As long as you are able to complete all of your responsibilities and your time on the internet isn't stalling your personal growth then there is no such thing as too long.

  4. I reckon it's when you logon on a monday and you look out the window to discover the day is now a tuesday....

  5. never too much. they are real ppl on here.  

  6. i think it depends on what else you do with your day also...  and how many of your online friends you hang out with in person.

  7. Well my computer is really c**p and slow, so i usually spend 5 hours, i know i aint got a life.

  8. when i was coming out it, i was much more comfortable talking to women online than in person. it kind of got me ready for being openly g*y. i used to be online sometimes for hrs chatting.

    I actually met my last 2 gf on myspace.

    So my answer summed up:

    its ok to talk to ppl online alot its better that than having No interaction at all. sooner or later you will want to take the next step in being openly g*y to the world.

  9. I limit myself to 2 hours. Sometimes I just get too antsy and I need to get off to go outside.

    I actually know some kids from school that roleplay on the computer and spend 8-10 hours on it.

    Isn't that unhealthy?

    I just want to drag them outside and give them a baseball and glove, and just say "NOW DON"T GO BACK INSIDE UNTIL YOUR EXHAUSTED!"

    Yeah but even 2 hours is enough for me.

  10. Signs of a problem:

    Your cat is crapping on the floor because the litter box is so disgusting. You've failed to notice because you met someone very interesting and have been chatting with him/her since you've woken up.

    Your entire wardrobe is in the dirty clothes with the exception of some sweatpants and the shirt you wear when you dye your hair.

    Your computer desk becomes your dining table and you have a growing collection of dishes sitting around the monitor.

    You were late for work because you told yourself "just 10 more minutes" about 5 times too many.  

    You don't answer calls from your friends because it's too much of a pain to talk on the phone and type at the same time.

    You join a forum and within 2 weeks have the same number of posts it normally takes a year to get up to.

    You only make yourself presentable when you are broadcasting your webcam.

    You blow off a social invitation to sit home in front of the computer because your latest e-crush may or may not sign on.

    You never actually sign out of anything and set audible or pop-up alerts to notify you of a new email/message/buddy signing on.

    You stay awake for countless hours and don't go to sleep until everyone you talk to signs off to go about their daily routines and activities that don't involve the computer.

  11. 1 Hour...

  12. There really isn't a set number of hours, it just depends on if it interferes with your responsibilities like earning money or raising kids.  If you work from home, you might browse the internet in between working and therefore you would be on the internet for most of the day.  It all depends on the individual.  

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