
How long is a actual contraction??

by  |  earlier

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Not how long is labor. But how long is the actual pain of the contraction?




  1. The length of a contraction can vary.  Mine were lasting a full minute and were only a minute apart when I decided to get an epidural.  They wait until the contractions are close together before they have you push.  And you have to be fully dilated first.

  2. Usually contractions last 45-60 seconds and peak in the middle. How far apart they are differs. With my daughter they were completely erratic- 3-6 minutes apart throughout the whole labor. With my son they were consistent at 5 minutes apart until transitional labor started and then they moved closer together, occurring every 2-3 minutes. How far apart the contractions are is not the deciding factor for when you start pushing. Pushing starts when you are fully dilated to a 10.  

  3. from what I can remember, even though it feels like each one lasts an hour, they're only a minute or so.  I remember pushing when they were coming one after another--like every 15 seconds.

  4. You have to be at at least 8 cm to be ready to push

    but some people it doesn't happen until 10cm.

    Contractions is very different for  different people.

    some people they are 5 minutes apart and some people

    it could be 15 minutes about.

    It all depends on the person.  

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