
How long is a cat pregnant for?

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my cat is 9 weeks pregnant my vet said she would b pregnant for 12 weeks but ive read on the net that there only pregnant for 9 or 10 week she is nesting and sleeping a lot and eating loads can anyone tell me if shes gettig ready to have her kittens also ive noticed her v****a has 2 little bumps at eather side of it dose anyone no what there are or if its another sign thats she nearly ready




  1. they are pregnamt for 60- 67 days they adverage is around 63 days. you should start feeding your cat kittn food from the 5th week of pregnancy around 400g a day or as much as she will eat. she will probably want more once the kittens are born.continue feeding this untill the kittens are weaned. good luck

  2. In my experience the gestation period for cats is 9 weeks but its not unusual for cats to give birth a little early or a little late. I would say perhaps your vet is right and cats can be pregnant for up to 12 weeks. The eating and the sleeping are good and normal especially the eating part that is really important.

    I'm not sure what the bumps are you are talking about are but it is likely that she will have her kittens very soon, the best thing you can do is prepare a place for her to have them if you haven't already done that, a card board box with newspaper in to start off with is best or a basket in a quiet room where she won't be disturbed. Cats are probably the best mothers in the animal kingdom so they usually can do it all themselves no bother unless she is quiet young and this is her first litter she might want you to hold her paw! x

    Good Luck!

    if you need to know more about the actual birthing process and how your cat will behave when she is going into labour check this site out !

  3. Cat pregnancy last for nine-ten weeks. Around the fifth week of pregnancy, the cat's abdomen will start to swell noticeably.

  4. The normal gestation period for cats is between 61 and 69 days depending on the breed. (About 9 weeks)

  5. lasts between 64-67 days, with an average length of 66 days

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