
How long is a cats gestation?

by Guest21446  |  earlier

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My cat has become pregnant. This will be her first and ONLY litter. I haven't had a cat give birth. Only dogs. Im not sure how long it will be till she gives birth. I know shes not too far along. We just noticed she has botten bigger. (Since she is a small cat to begin with). I dont think she will have trouble with taking care of them/one. But I want to make sure I get all info needed. Anything and everything. Good sites would be nice to. Since I searched but couldnt find anything too helpful. Thank you all for answers.




  1. 6 months

  2. The term gestation means the period when the young are developing in the mother’s uterus (pregnancy).  In cats, gestation normally lasts 63-65 days.  Siamese cats may carry their kittens for 67 days.

    great web  site below

  3. 9weeks - I am not very computer literate or I would send you some sites.  I am sure someone will.   I would take her for a wellness check at your vet soon just to be sure she is developing nicely.  They will advise you on all you need like vitamins or a special diet. Then you also have a file started God forbid you need to rush her in if needed when the time comes.  They may also suggest an xray around her 81/2wk to try to get an idea of how big the kittens are and how many to watch for.  This may be a VERY good idea since you said she is a tiny kitty to begin with and it would be better to be prepared in terms of considering the need for a c-section.

    Best of Luck :)

  4. 62 days! I have delivered many litters and waited to go on many vacations because it was the day for my cats to have their kittens. If you don't know when they were mating then just watch for the few days that she disappears or becomes cranky..then you know it won't be long. Basically make sure you're feeding her more and she's getting more to drink.. I have food/water out for mine at all times. Once she has the kittens then she will pretty much do everything. I do have 2 cats that I had to do all the work and that was an experience. They pushed the head of the kitten out and then I had the pull it out, pop the sack, cut the cord and stimulate the kittens to suck and after that the momma cat took over. It was neat! But most cats do everything themselves and don't want anyone around. Email me if you have any questions. I have delivered 8 litters in all and I have 12 of my own cats. All of which are now spayed/neutered!  Good Luck ; )

  5. 60- 65 days...usually 62 plus one day  (the day they mated)

  6. nine weeks just like a dog I'm sure she will do just fine i got 1 week old kittens know and more on the way i still say we had them fixed but it looks like i thought wrong lol good luck with yours

  7. 2 months

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