
How long is a dog normally in heat for?

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My dog just went into heat for the first time. I'm just wondering how long they normally go through it and how long they bleed for. Also, she turned 1 this month, is that too old to get her spade?




  1. A female dog goes into heat twice a year for up to three weeks.

    No, she is not too old to have spayed.

  2. The normal range for a dog to be in heat is 2-4 weeks.  3 weeks is the average.  She is not too old to be spayed.  The spay can be done at any time.  

  3. The average heat cycle is about 21 days. She is never too old to be spayed. It is best for her to be spayed while she is young. It will prevent health problems in the future and there is less risk of anesthesia complications.

  4. You can get your dog fixed when ever you would like to,They are usually in heat for 21 days 7 days going in 7 days in and 7 days out, its a pain, i have 2 females and they go in heat a month apart from each other, but good luck

  5. Dogs are usually in heat for 21 days/3weeks. Keep her away from male dogs the whole 3 weeks!

    You can have her spayed. Just call the vet and let them know that she is in heat now but, you would like to get her spayed.

  6. I don't know how long a dog is in heat, but she's not too old to get fixed.  

  7. I'm not sure, but she should definitely be spayed! You don't want more unwanted puppies to enter this world. There are enough of them dying in shelters and on the streets because someone didn't spay their dog.

  8. Please Spay Your Dog. She is not to old

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