
How long is boot camp for the national gaurd?

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my husband wants to join but I'm nervous about how long he would be gone for boot camp.. does anyone know??

and any other information about the national guard would be helpful.

like anything about how much they would pay for schooling or if he could get diploid or even what he could do that is not dangerous if he did get diploid.

any information is helpful!

thanks so much!




  1. It depends if it's the Army or the Air National Guard. Army is 9 weeks and Air is 6.5 weeks and soon to be 8.5 weeks in November. Yes the Guard pays for school, but it depends on your state. Some states pay 100% others pay 80% of tuition costs.

    There is always a potential of being deployed. Every job deploys but some jobs do delpoy less than others. Have him talk to a recruiter, take the tests and see what he qualifies for. Then have his recruiter give him the contact information for the people at the base that do His job. That will give you direct information of what you need to know. Good luck.

  2. Back when I was in the US Army reserve in 1961 we had 9 weeks of boot camp and all the branches of services had the same except the US Marines who had a few more. Of course things have changed since then ,but I am sure the basic training cycle is similar these days.


    You can find all the info there. Basic is 10 weeks long and after that he will be going to school training. No telling how long that will be, but if you go to either one of those sites and look under the dropdowns for jobs/careers it will tell you how long school is.  

  4. Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard all attend the same basic training which is 9 weeks long. After basic training, additional school will be attended to learn job skill.

  5. I'm guessing that you are asking about the Army National Guard.  In general,

    1.  Basic Combat Training (BCT)is 1 week of introduction, in addition to 9 weeks Basic Training, in general. (for aproxemently 10 weeks total) The locations depends upon what job he selects.  After BCT, there is Advanced Individual Training (AIT).  This can be done imediatly after BCT, (Also known as One Station Unit Training)or can be seperated by several months.  Again, the length and location depends upon the job that is selected.

    2.  In general it is One weekend a month, with two weeks deployment over the summer.  They have all kinds of jobs, ranging from Infantry to Accounatants.  Depending upon where you are located, the Reserves might have his desired job closer to your home.  Since it is the military, please be aware that all jobs are dangerous, and all will be deployed.  

    3.  Pay depends upon how your Husband joins.  If he joins as Enlisted, he will receive a paygrade between E-1 and E-4. (with no prior service $179-$235 per month)  While deployed he will receive active duty pay plus a housing allowance.

    Has he considered joining as a Officer/Warrent Officer?  In addition to greater responsabilities, (pay) he has the honor to lead soliders, in all kinds of fields.  Qualifications vary, but in general a 4 year degree is the base requirement.

    4.  The above information is also correct for the Air National Guard (In general)

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