
How long is bottled tap water safe to drink?

by  |  earlier

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If i put tap water into a bottle and keep it in my car to have safe drinking water if i am out kayaking or hiking, if the water is kept in the sunlight or the car gets hot how long can i keep it in the where it is safe to drink?




  1. probably about 2-3 days I'm guessing..

    (and to the person above

    I'v never heard it can give you cancer..

    where'd you get that from? )  

  2. you shouldn't drink water in plastic bottles after it has been sitting in the hot car. it can cause cancer.

    they did a mass study on it.

  3. As long as the bottle is out of direct sunlight, the water should be good for up to a week.  Keep in mind that if you re-use your bottles, they may develop some bacteria, as they are not sterile.

    If you are using plastic bottles (including nalgene), I would not drink any water that has been sitting in direct sunlight.  If your bottle is metal, It will be OK.

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