
How long is chocolate good for?

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I just found some chocolate from my friend's Bar Mitzvah, which was back in May. Can I eat it? I really want to. :)




  1. Chocolate doesn't last very long at all around my house. Oddly enough, it is my husband who is the chocoholic.

    You should be fine from May til August. I'm sure you've already eaten it, though, since this was posted a while ago.

  2. yes its ok to eat it

  3. There should be due date on the packaging!

  4. Yes it's still good....I have chocolate from valentine's day and easter.

  5. I have never had chocolate stay around long enough to see if it goes bad.

  6. As long as it doesn't have anything fuzzy growing off it, I say go ahead and enjoy it!!

    I know how you feel about chocolates, I had a great person buy me Truffles the other day and they were amazing! Go ahead and enjoy your chocolate!!

  7. I have always heard one year.

  8. Chocolate goes bad?

    Wow, I didn't know that.

    I am sure that its ok.

    Hmm, chocolate sounds good right now * walks down to bedroom and grabs wonka bar *

  9. Chocolate has a long shelf life. I even put it in the freezer to keep it longer!

  10. Yes...please do! :D

    It's good until it gets a funny'll know it when you see it (that takes years) :)

  11. humm....I don't know, can it go bad?

    I bet you ate it already.....

    ADD: I did find this

    Amazingly, chocolate is one of the only foods in the world that can last forever. It never goes stale, or bad. If it turns "bad" it has picked up some extra objects or moisture. If that occurs, chocolate can be boiled down and poured into a fresh, brand new chocolate bar again. (If you boil down the chocolate you CANNOT ALLOW ANY MOISTURE TO GET IN THE CHOCOLATE BOILING BOWL AT ALL!) If you do it will ruin the chocolate. Good luck

  12. 5 years

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