
How long is my 14 year old daughter going to be so moody!

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It's almost like she's bi-polar! She'll be in a great mood and then she'll have attitude for really no reason. Will this get better?




  1. Till she is 20. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

  2. so im not the only one....hmmm im 16 and still that way. ill say until she moves out and starts missing you.

  3. It is different for everyone, but typically once she leaves the teen years she will become more predictable.

    Or, you will know the swings better...:)

    Seriously, let her know that you sympathize with her and that you won't hold her moodiness against her.  Sometimes even though she is angry what she really needs is a hug and to be told it's ok and NO pressure, just reassurance.

    Let her know you are there 4 her and give her space when she is having a mood.

    She will come around ...just make sure she knows you are there waiting for her.

    Don't take her moods personal!

    You are her mom, someone safe for her to be herself with.


  4. im a teen so i know wat shes going through lol. its just that sometimes everything is great like at skool etc. but then stuff happen so u r in a bad mood and i get mad at my parents even though mayb its not their fault lol. (sometimes parents can make u mad 2 though)

    its normal!she will get over it!:)

  5. yes she will...

    her hormones are just raging...

    and shes having mood swings =P

  6. Trust me, I think we all go through our "troubled teen" years.

    I'm 19, and can honestly admit I got out of that phase around 17.

    Just give her a little freedom, and try coming to her with problems as a friend rather than a parent (while keeping your parental nature) This is the time she needs a shoulder to lean on.

    best of luck<3

  7. that sounds exactly like me we cant help it, theres just alot of pressure put on teenagers

  8. when she gets to be about 18 if your lucky

  9. lol, welcome to the world of teenage mood swings. she'll grow out of them in atleast 4 years.

  10. She could be pmsing or have pmdd so you might wanna get that checked out. Aslo she could hvae something on her mind that is bothering her, but she may or may not wanna share that with you because you are her parent so try to take her shopping, or take her, and her friends somewhere fun like an amusement park, and give her space. If that doesnt work she may need to see a pyschologist to share what she is feeling...

  11. That's just what teenagers are like. I really doubt she's bi-polar, that is a serious mental condition, and this just sounds like normal hormonal teenager-ness.

  12. when she is about 18!

  13. I guess it might be hormonal changes. Just try to give her some space.

    And, I'm sorry to say this, it is likely that her attitude will only get worse in high school. That's what happened with my sister.

  14. wow. weeeeelll....she'll stop being moody when she stops being a teenager. Welcome to the Wonderful World of Teenagers!

  15. Yes it can be that she is bi-polar but it also can mean she is in puberty!

    Kids that age are going through a lot mentally as well as physically. Dont pay too much attention to it. Unless she stays moody all the time I think there is no rela problem.

    Good luck!

  16. itll happen al though out teenage years. ;D good luck (itll get worse when shes in high schoooolll)

  17. HELLOOOOOOOO shes a girl. all girls are moody.  its called horomones. teens have raging horomones. but dont worry it will calm down when shes 20 ish. but if a person is pregnant there moods are crazy. happy one min. the next there sad...  and u never know she could be bipolar. so talk to a doc  

  18. no shes probly not bi-polar but i am jsut like that. shes just having mood swings and shell be like that throughout her teen years.  

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