
How long is pink eye contagious?

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How long until I can be around people? How long should I wait until I go to work?




  1. Hmm...been a long time since I had it, but I think 48 hours after you start taking meds for it.  You should call your doctor and ask.

  2. My doctor told me that as long as you have it, it's contagious. As an adult you really don't have to stay home from work, but you have to be very careful about keeping your hands out of your eyes, and not shaking hands or sharing towels or wash cloths. Pink eye can go through a school like a storm. It doesn't usually spread in adult situations because adults know how to be more careful. Of course if your eyes are really bothering you you might not feel like working. I hope you get over this very soon. Please tell us you've seen a doctor, have a proper diagnosis and are using some kind of medication. Take care of yourself.  

  3. until it is all gone.

  4. It depends on the type of pink eye.  Viral pink eye is contagious until it resolves itself which usually takes up to a week.  Bacterial pink eye is contagious for a couple of days after you start using the treatment.  

    Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, can show up when you least expect it, and it is very contagious. There is more than one type of pink eye, and how you treat it depends on the type. If it is bacterial you need antibiotic ointment or drops. There is no particular treatment for viral pink eye. If it is an allergy that is causing your difficulty you may need anti-inflammatory medication or antihistamines. Frequent hand washing is crucial to prevent spreading the virus or bacteria, depending on which type you have.   There is also something called CLARE, or contact lens induced acute red eye. Sleeping in contacts makes the eye more susceptible to inflammation/infection.

    These links give basic information about pink eye.

  5. 1 day to 1 week mostly. 1 week is if it's been rubbed a lot. It can be over a month.

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