
How long is quarantine? if you have a dog in the military and move to another country?

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someone told me 6months others say 2months? say you move to Italy for 4years? It's your wifes dog who is a stay at home wife?




  1. quarantines are typically  SIX months.  your wife's status has Squat to do with anything.  

  2. Depends upon which country.  Many are smart enough to know that if your dog was immunized against rabies no quarantine is necessary.  Others are stuck in the past.  

    How do you get an assignment to Italy for FOUR years?   Usually an accompanied tour is two years and you can extend one more year after you get there.  

  3. Outbound assignments should be able to help you with this one.

    Germany was two weeks when I was there and England changed theirs to two months last I heard. I think Japan is still six months.

    Congrats on your assignment. . . I've been to Italy on leave and it was awesome.

  4. I did not know they did quarantine still.  I know is Germany they don't.  They just have to be up to date on all the shots.  Check with the post you are going too and look up the shipping you pet for that should tell you

  5. my friend in the Navy said 6 months. I dont know about the army though

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