
How long is the American Cabinet in office?

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How long is the american cabinet in office.. like how long is their term?




  1. There is no term limit for cabinet level positions in the U.S. government.  People holding these positions serve at the pleasure of the President, and can be in office for as long as the President desires.  In fact, even though it is unlikely, it is possible that the same person could be appointed to these positions by multiple presidents and serve for decades.

  2. The cabinet are appointed by the president, they serve until the president's term is over, they are fired, or they resign

  3. The heads of the approx 14 federal departments are collectively refereed to as the Cabinet  All are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.  They serve at the pleasure of the President, who can fire them at any time for any reason.  

    Generally the President-Elect  appoints new Cabinet members at the start of his term, and they generally resign their offices when his term is concluded:  though they are not absolutely required to do so.  In some cases members continue in their posts after the President is no longer in office.  Example Bobby Kennedy remained Attorney-General after President Kennedy died in office.

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