
How long is the average life span of pet turtles?

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my neighbors are bringing me 2 turtles home from the beach[[im not sure if theyre box turtles or water]], and i want to know how long they will probably live. im not sure if i want to keep them or not, because when it comes to pets i get really emotional when they look sick, or die.

so, im deciding if i do or dont want to keep them.

so here are my questions.

how long is their average life span?

should i keep them or give them away?

if i should keep them, what are good names[[remember im getting 2]]






  1. what do you mean from the beach? are you insane? marine turtles are endangered.

    well assuming that you dont meant marine turtles it depends. for example red eared slider turtles live an average of 20yrs with good care and russian turtoises can live 100yrs!

  2. 30-100 years

  3. HI! i had two of those once. they are called Painted turtles and they are water turtles. the average life span is 15 to 25 years maybe more maybe less it really depends on how good you are at takin care of them. For Names idk i named one speedy. = ) Keep them they're fun to have. Oh try looking up names for pet turtles on google!!!

  4. 30 years

  5. Turtles live a very, very long time. Depending on the breed, turtles can live for. Eastern box turtles can live for 100 years. It is more common for them to live 30-40 years in captivity, however. Aquatic turtles can live 50 of more years with proper care. If you can figure out exactly what kind of turtle you are getting, I can give you a more exact amount. Also, I can help you with basic care. I think it is cure to name a pair of animals after famous couples. Ben and Jerry, Jack and Jill, etc.

    this site has a lot of good pair names. Also, you can just search pet pair names and find some more websites.

  6. Whether they are land turtles (box, tortoise, etc.) or water turtles - they require a lot of room, and a lot of care.  So, if you are lazy and just want something "neat and cool to have as a pet," then a turtle or tortoise is not the right choice for you.

    They are long lived, and grow for their entire lifespan.  It's a big commitment to undertake.  They will live longer than a cat or dog with proper care and nutrition.  If they are tortoises; they could live long enough that you have to will them to someone when YOU die.

    And it will be expensive to get all the equipment you will need to take proper care of them.

    You will need to learn about UVB and MBD, too.  There is a lot to know, before you can be a good turtle owner.

    I assume your neighbors purchased them legally from a breeder, or at a pet shop?  I would suggest from now on that you have your neighbors google and read up on animals they want to give as pets to other people, and know the care envolved, BEFORE buying the animal.  I know their heart was in the right place, but caring for any animal is a big responsibility to the owner.

    I'll post a few basic sites below you can peek out, and get an idea of the care needed for whatever kind of turtles they are, so you can make an informed choice based on knowledge.

    Just you posting this question here shows responsibility, and that you are thinking of options, and what's best for you and the animals, so many KUDDOS on that point.

    Whatever you decide - do what's best for them and you.  An informed owner is a happy one with healthy and content animals.

    Good luck, and I hope this has been of help.

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