
How long is the commute from LA - near the grove - to Burbank?

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Commuting from the miracle mile area, any suggestions on best route and estimated commute time from LA to the Burbank area? How crappy is the traffic?




  1. Plan your route on  then you'll know exactly hwo far it is.

    What time of day or night are you going?

    At 11pm - 5am the traffic is light.  Any other time it could be stop and go.  The Miracle Mile is ALWAYS congested.  The following Freeways are ALWAYS congested....  101 / 405 / 5 / 134.   When using mapquest I think you can ask for mostly freeway and also shortest route.  Probably Wilshire to Benedict Canyon to the 101 will be the shortest, only Mapquest will know!

    Every day it it takes my wife around 1 to 1 1/2 hours to get from the Wilshire area to the intersection of the 101 Freeway and the 405 Freeway during rush hour traffic.

  2. as long as you're in the city of LA, expect it to be crappy on every route!

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