
How long is the drive from aliso viejo, orange county to puerto nuevo mexico?

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How long is the drive from aliso viejo, orange county to puerto nuevo mexico?




  1. The drive from the border to Puerto Nuevo is about 20 min. using the toll road.

  2. According to Yahoo! maps it takes 1 hour and 28 minutes to get from Aliso Viejo to the San Ysidro border crossing.  (Depending on where you are coming from, it is about 93 miles between those locations.  

    From San Ysidro go south on the toll road (Mex 1) about 30 minutes, and you will reach Puerto Nuevo.  So, if the Orange County/San Diego/border wait traffic is with you - your total drive time will be about 2 hours.  

    If you are driving over the border don't forget to get mexican insurance for your car since your US ins doesn't work (isn't valid) in Mexico.  There are a ton of places you can get it along the border or you can buy it online as well.  My family has used for about six years and it works well for us, but really anywhere you go will offer you something good.  You definitely don't want to drive in mexico without it tho.

    Have a great road trip, enjoy lobster town!

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