
How long is the flight from Dublin Ireland to Blackpool ? how much fuel would a BAe 146 use?

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blackpool is on the east coast of england




  1. Contact an operator which uses this A/C on that route or route of similar distance.

  2. The flight should take you just over one hour. Due to taxi, climb, holds and landing.

    I can not give you a figure on how much fuel is used as I dont know what variant or the BAE 146 you enquiring about. There are approx 12 different types. Also to calculate how much fuel it would take for that trip you would need the POH of such, for that aircraft. You have to calculate the weight of the aircraft, the amount of fuel for the taxi, climb, cruise, landing and taxi again. Also the fuel you need for your alternate airport which is an IFR requirement. And also add on the weight of that extra fuel carried too. There may be a fuel % per company SOP's which could be more too.

    So looks like your not going to get an accurate figure on the fuel. However your time would be just over an hour.

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