
How long is the human race likely to continue to exist?

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Given that we do not blow ourselves up first?




  1. We will expire from the global warming crisis before that happens...maybe with in the next 7 generations...

  2. Not for at least another 30 years. I just bought a house and I know the human race will exist until I pay it off!

    d**n it!

  3. I think as long as our resources dont run out were fine, what happens after that?

    I dont know..

    I guess we'd have to start living like they did in the 1800s..

    that would suck...

    No more yahoo answers!! :(

  4. We will survive as something that might be called human for probably a couple of million years.  After that we will still have descendants but it is likely they will be so different that they wouldn't be considered human by us.

    It is possible, and likely in my opinion that we will expand into space and last for billions of years.  Since I am not a liberal, I didn't add as an infestation of the universe. There is absolutely no worry about global warming which will only make the world more livable to us.  Disease is probably the greatest danger we face.

  5. One way of predicting our species longevity is to look at the longevity of other hominid species. Neanderthals existed 2 to 3 times as long as we have(I'm using 150,000 years as our species age). Heidelburgensis, our probable antecedent, existed at least 5 times as long as homo sapiens. Homo erectus existed about 15 times as long as our species. So, if we don't destroy ourselves-which is a BIG if- we could well live on for another half a million years, long enough to colonize other planets and evolve into another species.

  6. The only thing that will put an end to the human race is a massive disaster.  That could be man made like a nuclear war, or something else.  If we can make it to the end of the century at a high level of technological expansion then the human race may never end.  We are very close to expanding permanently off this planet.  That will greatly increase the survivability of the species.

  7. If we colonize Mars within the next 500 years, which is the plan, perhaps indefinitely...

    Without doing that, in far less than a million years, the earth will become inhospitable for us, and we will become extinct, just as 99.9% of all the other life forms that once inhabited earth have become...

  8. homo sapiens.

    will evolve into another species.

    Right now the criteria for natural selection is traveling towards economic opportunity

    and sexual selection no longer matters since even "ugly" people can have viable offspring and pass on their genes.

    So the race will split between those who can secure economic opportunity and those that cannot. the primary indicator of economic opporunity is the ability to be educated.

    when brain genes become so distinct between the two classes of people that they can no longer have a successful recombination in fertilization, then there will be a new biological species.

    The geographic isolation of  species in new terrains like a Mars Human, or Moon Human may also create a new species. A new species will utilize its traits to either find harmony or to out compete the    

    other species,

    Right now the moneyed rich are finding ways to destroy the poor. It is almost as if there are already two species among us.

  9. For as long as we continue to adapt to our environments.

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