
How long is the longest you ever had to wait for a meal in a restaurant?

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How long is the longest you ever had to wait for a meal in a restaurant?




  1. An hour and 45 minutes. I was about to eat the table cloth. No joke.

  2. 2 hours. It was my brothers high schools graduation and he wanted to go to Longhorns. I guess nobody realized that the whole county wanted to go to Longhorns. That was a terrible night.

  3. Oh my god

    i was in Spain and we were having a family dinner in Club Le Costa (which is a timeshare place ( my mother worked for them..we dont own timeshare)

    we order our meal..there were three adults and two children

    We waited nearly 1hours 30 mins for ours to come and when it did....the children's food was not we asked where it  was and that the children were gettin VERY VERY hungry!!

    they said it is just comin...well we finished our and it still wasn't there it came about 20 mins later...but by that time the children were so hungry and tired that they didn't want to eat it...we payed and left.

    we complained to the boss the next day as we were friends with him.....he looked in to it for us and he was told ..."they thought we were tourists...

    Says it all doesn't it

  4. Nearly an hour, and when the food did arrive, it was c**p! Needless to say, we didn't pay for it! I complained to their head office, in  writing, and got a voucher for four people to have a free three course meal, with two bottles of wine!! I have to say, second time round, the service, and the meal were both excellent!! It pays to have a moan!

  5. It took them 20 mins to bring the menu, another 40 mins to take the order and god only knows how long to bring the meal. But we're in Switzerland, the service is nearly as c**p as the food - you get used to it.

  6. 1 HOUR then we left

    that was after the waiter took our order, brought us a botte of wine then we waited & waited

    I put £5 on the bar to cover the price of the wine and told them to forget the dinner

  7. 30 min is as long as i will wait. i've found that long waits don't mean good food.

  8. 2 HOURS!!!!!!!!!! HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO COOK CHICKEN???????????????????????

  9. i didnt get my meal at all. at one of our local restaurants.the rest of the table enjoyed theirs though!

  10. Close to an hour, without even ordering our food!  We were seated by a hostess, given menus, about 10 mins. later, we got water from a waitress who said she'd be right with us...never to be seen again! There were four of us celebrating a birthday in this seafood restaurant.  We eventually got up and walked to the hostess stand and told her, sorry, but we can't wait any longer, not even having ordered!!! She just looked at us, said nothing.  Haven't been back there since (3 years).

  11. I had to wait an hour in our local "Old Orleans"

    would never go again.

  12. 1 hour fifty minutes on a very busy night.

    We've since been back and the servuce was much better

  13. ordered 2 chicken leg dinners and after about 45 minutes we asked where our order was.   they had forgotten about us.

    and we got half a chicken each, which was too much and we couldnt eat it all. this is not the first time they staff have forgotten about us in different restaurants.

  14. 3 hours when we left!

  15. Not long, id say 45 minutes.

  16. 32 minutes

  17. 25 minutes.

  18. 40 minutes while they cleaned the broken glass from exploding light bulb on table and me. I wasn't even offered a discount for it .

  19. 2 hours at chilies in New Orleans

  20. the longest i had to wait for a meal was about 5 minutes.

  21. well whenever you go to a resteraunt and it's packed and busy they give you those square things and it lights up when it's your turn to be seated. one time at long horns we had to wait 2 hours.

  22. I usually dont wait long, about 30 minutes. But, they always keep forgetting about my dog! We have to wait for 2 hours!

  23. 3 n a half hours 4 the starter!!!

    it was a crappy restaurant but we didnt have to pay in the end!!

    so it was kinda ok but my bro was pissin himself bored!


  24. For a desert in an English Cease rs Palace, 45mins. My husband asked if it was the raffle prize.

  25. 12 minutes . and the big mac was cold when it arrived !

  26. About 45 mins then I walked out.

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