
How long is the train from Vienna to Salzburg?

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Just wondering since if it's worth my while i won't stay in Vienna, anything longer than 5 hours is a bit much i feel...




  1. The first answer is correct.

    But make sure you take a "Intercity" (IC) or "Eurocity" (EC) train. If you are on a "Eilzug" or even a "Regionalzug" it will take you far longer (because these trains stop in every station.

    IC and EC trains from Vienna to Salzburg usually stop in Linz ("Cultural Capital" of Europe in 2009), Wels, and Attnang-Puchheim.

    Tip: Stop in Attnang-Puchheim. Then you can go by a small train to the Attersee, which is the biggest lake of the "Salzkammergut", a region with very many lakes and beautiful mountains. Even the former Austrian emperor Franz Joseph used to spend his vacation in the "Salzkammergut".

  2. The distance is 317 kilometers and the journey time (depending on the connection) will take between 2 hours 37 minutes and 3 hours 18 minutes.

  3. I work in Austria and it takes at least two and a half hours to drive, so I would allow at least 3 hours!

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