
How long is the water in a kiddy pool good for?

by Guest45039  |  earlier

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I have had my kids pool filled for 3 days with a cover on it, it has a few floaties in it, how safe is it for 2 year olds?




  1. Dump it. Lots of things can grow in water that is at room tempreature.

  2. It's probably OK for now, but I'd keep an eye on it.  If you live in a very warm climate, that cuts down your pool water time.  If the pool surfaces start getting slippery, it's definitely time to dump it.  Ordinarily, I'd say look for a change in water color, but chances are the pool is colored blue -- so you'll never see it.

    You can put a little Clorox (plain -- not scented) into the water at night to sanitize it.  Sunlight will cause the chlorine to dissipate, so you might want to let the sun hit it for awhile before throwing the kids back in.

    If you don't have a leaf skimmer, you can skim the water with a piece of lint-free cloth to get the floaties out.

    I'd give the pool water about a week. with close supervision.

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