
How long is too long for boys' hair?

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What's too long for hair and little boys? I know that being mistaken for another gender can be hard. When I was little I was frequently called a boy as I had very short hair and hated all girly clothes. I was very tom-boyish and those instances of being mistaken for a little boy were annoying and eventually embarrassing.

Below is a link to a picture of Celine Dion's son Rene-Charles. He's an adorable kid with very long hair. What do you think is too long for a little boy? Check it out:




  1. AMERICA =FREE country girls and women with short hair all over the place oh ya and they are wearing blue jeans too quick lets bann it!!! GET REAL!!!!!!

    My wonderful adorable son has beautiful long Blondie curls he is a boy a little boy who is not prejudice against others for what they look like so why long hair would ever even be discussed just astonishes me.

    I get the whole cleanliness thing but that is about hygiene not hair length girls have long hair too and they are not considered nasty hoodlums or unclean or uneducated etc etc.

    Please people wake up it is part of the human body and in reality for most of the time that mankind has lived on this earth they all had long hair because it is natural. then we decided for no other purpose than fashion to start cutting hair.

    my son is extremely bright and un polluted by prejudice and  narrow vision i hope those who are sooo inflicted by the thought of long haired boys are kept away far away from our wonderful african american families did you hear there skin is darker than mine and maybe yours too its all a form of prejudice please stop.

    for your son and mine just follow your heart and gently explain to him that some people have a sickness called prejudice which makes them unable to accept some things in the world around them and it is very sad.

    good luck and god bless all of our little children .

  2. I don't think it matters ,as long as the kid is happy with it.

  3. nothing past the collar if i had a boy.

  4. woah! i mean since it isn't my kid, i can't tell her what to do, but i say cut it now cuz he looks like a little girl. it's cuz children tend to look the same till like 8.

    if i had a son that grew hair that went veritcally down (black people hair don't grow likw that) i'd say no longer than mid-neck if the kid had straight, but if it is curly hair then probably not beyond the collar

  5. that doesnt look like a boy

    to your chin is the the longest i think

    or course it has to be styled right it cant just hang there

  6. That is way too long!  I think traditional boy lengths are best.  Above the ears on the sides and above the neck on the back!

  7. Personally, I think its too long.  It wouldn't be for me.  But hey, to each

    their own, if Celine and her son like it, thats all that matters.  

  8. Her little boy looked like a little girl.When he starts wearing "Mommies clothes" she will wish she had gotten his hair cut.

    I had long hair when I was 12, after the first time I was mistaken for a girl, I got it cut.

    We have enough perverts in this world already we do not need to make more of them by making our kids look like the opposite s*x.

  9. I personnally think if the little boy likes it then who cares  

  10. If the boy can put it in a pony tail, it's TOO long... and yeah, it is important for either gender to understand certain things that distinguish them from the other. Girls-longer hair, dresses (obviously it doesn't have to be every day or week or whatnot, I wear jeans every day so I definately don't expect frills and girly stuff more than just once in a while) or cute girly clothes, and things like that.

    Boys need to understand about having shorter cut hair (traditional, nothing below the top of the ears), pants/shorts and shirts, and the more masculine things...

    In terms of Celine's "son", I'm sorry, but that looks JUST like a girl-the long, curly hair. And that is L-O-N-G hair, longer than mine... yikes. Not to mention it's kind of stringy and not healthy looking-get that poor BOY a haircut Celine!

  11. Seriously that's a boy. Get him a haircut now.

  12. As you probably know, Céline has a big family. One of her brothers, when he was younger, grew his hair long - as was the style at that time. Céline's dad, thought he looked like a hippie, and forced him to cut it. Her dad actually cut it himself, very short. He was obviously very upset about this! Also just as upset was Céline's mom, who had told her husband that his hair was his identity, that's how he liked it, it was a form of expression for him. She said to let him have his hair that way, it was doing no harm to anyone.

    This stuck with Céline, even though she was just a baby if she was even born at the time. So when René-Charles hair started to get long she kept asking him if he wanted a haircut. To "get his hair out of his eyes". He said he didn't want a haircut and that he likes his hair long. She said that was ok, but warned him people may make fun of him because typically girls have long hair, not boys. He understood that.

    So this is why he has long hair. He wants long hair. He likes the "rock star" hair he has, as is the music that he likes. Céline still asks him if he wants a haircut from time to time, and he still refuses. And because of the story of her brother being forced to have his haircut, she has stuck with the same belief as her mother. Let him express himself in this way, it's not hurting anybody, and he likes it.

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