
How long is too long for fuel to sit unused?

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When I go out to sea for 4-6 months I usually fill my truck up with gas so it doesn't get condensation in the tank. Heard that this might be gumming up my engine or something when I finally get home and use it again. Would it help if the next tank were hi octane fuel?




  1. There are many additives you can use> Also put some outboard oil in the gas tank> run it for a while as this will  lube the valves and all parts while sitting> stuff a rag in the exhaust so the wind can't enter and rust the valves>

  2. With all that money you are making you should buy a new truck, and while you are gone let me use it. That way you will not have to worry about the fuel left in the tank.

  3. Use Stabil fuel stabilizer.

    A little but goes along way.

  4. even with a tank sealed it could gum things up.  gas goes stale, just like crackers do.  there are a couple of companies that make conditioner specifically for that purpose though.  even my little motors will work with that in the gas.

    i think you can find it at auto parts stores.

  5. 1 year the gasoline will turn into gumming up your gasoline tank. As it turns into another form just sitting in your tank and condensation and the gasoline turing into a gell like substance. I suggest you drain your tank instead. And drain your oil as well as that will turn into thick oil and s***w up your engine. That also goes for transmission fluid and water in the radiator. everything should be cleaned out if you are not using it close to a years period. All the oil and fluids turn hard inside your engine cause they are not flowing and keeping active. They kind of act like tar after it hardens. Get the picture???  

  6. Make sure when you leave your truck sit, have a full tank of gas, and use a fuel stablizer, you can get it at NAPA.  When you come back, it's a good thing to change all vehicle fluids, such as transmission fluid, engine oil, etc.  

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