
How long is too long to take off?

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So, I'm just running on my own for the summer (i.e. until LA training starts in September/October) and was wondering what I really need to be doing...

I currently run 6 miles every other morning. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining about this regimen (even though I am), but I was wondering if I'd be all right if I slimmed it down and ran a little less? I don't know why I'm experiencing such trouble sticking to my regular schedule; I'm thinking it might have to do with my switching to a vegan diet, but that was months ago. I do eat a sufficient amount of food and take vitamins

Any advice? Thank you!

[I'm an 18 year old female, for reference]




  1. Trouble "sticking with it", could be a sign of over-training so make sure you are getting plenty of rest.  It could also be a sign that mentally you are bored w/ always doing the same thing.  Varying the intensity could solve both issues.  If you are running every other morning you are running 3-4 times per week.  Why not do some fartleking, 1-2 mile repeats, sprints, boxer-stlye "roadwork" (run 1:00 and then drop and do some pushups, burpees, situps, etc) and don't forget light/short runs for recovery some of the days?  For example:

    day 1 long run 6 miles

    day 2 4 miles of fartleks or roadwork

    day 3 3 sets of 2 miles

    day 4 short run 3-4miles  

    Make sure you are getting enough protein and enough iron in your vegan diet.  As a female athlete myself there have been plenty of days where I felt weak/lethargic due to low iron levels.

  2. That's cool that you're running. I actually prefer to run in the evening (I'm a guy so it's not as safe for women) because my lungs feel more open during that time of the day. It's been shown that for most people, optimum performance is later in the day. I also run in the evening to avoid the sun so I can save my skin.

    I think you're doing a good job. You can try to vary the pace of your runs. One day can be fartlek, the other tempo, the other can be running to the track and doing some relaxed 400s or 800s.

    I used to be a vegetarian in high school for a year and I did find that my energy was higher when I ate meat. I now eat fish, poultry and dairy. No mammals. I've had this diet for five years and I feel like I eat well. But I've known vegan runners who do fine. One is a famous ultramarathoner in this area. You have to find the diet that is best for you. I guess you should adjust your running to how you feel. Also, find somebody to run with. When I have to do runs on the track, it makes a big difference when there is a group to run with.

  3. well u can try 2.5 miles a day instead....u only cut down a mile a week and u run everyday

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