
How long is you daily commute to work?

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How long is you daily commute to work?




  1. 55 miles, one way. Anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes.

  2. 1 hour.

  3. 22 seconds...i work in my shed..the shed of plenty.

  4. 5-10 minutes

    2.8 miles

  5. 22 miles

    30 to 35 minutes (might increase for a year due to road widening on M27!)

  6. well right now Im at college and I have to get a bus that takes 10 to fifteen minutes to get me down town to get another bus that takes 35 minutes to get me to college

    =total 45 minutes by bus

    same journey by car is 20 minutes !

  7. 12 miles each way.  It takes me 2 hours each way.

  8. Down the stairs and around the corner (to the kitchen and laundry room).

  9. 7 miles to and from work

  10. 1 hour round trip

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