
How long is your drive to work?....and what is a reasonable time to drive to work?

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I currently drive about 1hr and a 1/2 to work and feel that over time it will start affecting my ability to perform at work.......the bad thing is that i don't wonna leave the city will i grew up in for this job even though its a great career? any ideas




  1. 10 minutes, but I'm lucky that my job is down the street; however with more traffic everyday it might increase (eventually)

  2. 15mins and the good thing is that I always go opposite the direction of slow traffic to and from work. I hope it never changes.

  3. I know how you feel.  You'll have to weigh out the pros and cons.  Remember to take into account the extra stress on your body.

  4. currently my commute is 10 minutes. i like having a life and have moved with every job change to be closer to where i work.

  5. To me, it depends on the type of driving your doing. I hate to inch along in stop and go traffic. It used to take me 1.5 to 2 hours to go 30 miles each way, that drove me nuts. I would much more tolerate driving 100 miles in that time.

  6. I live in a small town about thirty miles from a big city.  Being that I am in construction my drive times are usually between an hour to hour and a half.  But I will never move because I love the peacefulness of small town life, but you make more money in the cities.

  7. I currently have a commute that is between 30 and 60 minutes each way, depending on the day. It doesn't bother me that much because I view it as "me" time. I listen to books on CD and whatever music my g/f doesn't like.

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