
How long is your teenager allowed to be on the computer/ internet?

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My teenage daughter thinks I am very unfair to allow her only up to 3 hours as some of her friends are allowed up to 7 or 8 hours.




  1. I have no time limit especially on week-ends. Kids are no longer kids and have other interests versus what we had when we were kids. Some of them are far more educated than us when it comes to computers and electronic devices.

  2. I am not given a specific time limit because I do a massive amount of homework on the computer since I do business management I am always researching.

    My father does sometimes get annoyed but there is not much I can do about the homework part. I also do my chores etc before hand.

  3. I am allowed on whenever i feel

    Or wouldnt that just be a waste of money a month?

  4. Thats so sad!!!! they should go whenever they want , but not after  1 am though!!!  Comon this is becoming very A Boring and unhappy world. SO the internet is the only way to escape. Let them do their chores and school work though!!!!

  5. My son is thirteen and my daughters are seven and ten ....I dont have a specific time limit but homework and chores come first....also good grades...and as long as those things are done I dont tell them how long to be on the computer but if I think they have been on too long I may say something like  "hey lets do something else give your computer a break"

    or "you have been on long enough time is up"  then i let them outside so that they can get some exercise or something its amazing how kids these days would rather stay inside lol

    but enough about me back to you IMO three hours is sufficient

  6. Three hours sounds reasonable mom! She can disagree but it is ultimately your decision. If she argues about the time allotted, reduce it by 1/2 hour for a day or two.......

    During the school year, my son cannot get on it at all Mon-Thurs unless it is for school. That leaves only the weekends and I am pretty flexible with the time because he also plays club soccer and is gone a lot of the days during the weekend.

    During the summer holiday, I tell him to be disciplined about his computer use and to make sure his chores are done first. If he shows discipline and does his work first, it's all his.

  7. i'm not given a time limit, as long as I get my chores and h.w. done, and I continue to get good grades.  It's fair, it allows me to feel responsible for myself, like I'm not a two year old.  But 3 hours is  a little bit short, maybe you guys should agree and go for 5 or 6:)

    Hope it helps :)

  8. I think 3 hours is reasonable, she must have other interests as well that keep her busy

  9. I don't give my kids a time limit. Although they are different. My son researches business things at age 10 and my daughter reads books online.

    As long as chores are done, homework is done, and it's not dinner time...they can do it.

    I think the bigger the deal you make about it, the more they want to do it. Just like everything else. There bound to get bored. When we first got the computer they were on it all the time taking turns, now I acutally get it more then they do.

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